What could be more classic Santa Fe than hollyhocks by a doorway?
I'm thinking of putting some in the spot where the Chinese privet was taken out by the garage door. Something tall and vertical against what is now a blank wall.
The three black alceas by the gate don't really fit there, especially as the butterfly bush has become tall and vase shaped. Tall vertical plants won't fit there.
By the garage door, against the stucco wall, they might be nice.
They haven't done anything yet, all are tiny little bits of leaves, nothing else. I think rabbits ate them at one point.
I had also put a bunch of Las Vegas mixed colors next to the fence by the rain barrel which aren't needed (or doing much) there.
They did bloom, but stayed short and are a little swamped behind the rain barrel. The colors were not the rich mix I expected -- washed out cream and some pink. They weren't tall or showy.
They got eaten by rabbits which of course set them back badly.
I had some by the brown urn along the back fence too, but the colors and form weren't right for that strip or next to the urn. So I transplanted them to join the others next to the rain barrel.
Hollyhocks don't transplant well, but these were still young and small and they did okay.
But hollyhocks have been a problem for me. They are easy enough to grow but I can't figure out what to do with them in my small garden with its even smaller, tidy separate spaces.
Should I try to put the three black ones by the door next to the table?
(Move the table closer to the door and put the hollyhocks to the right of the table.)
I actually like the simplicity of the small black table with a green watering can and a few pots in that empty spot now as you look down the yard.
It keeps the side of the doorway open feeling, but gives a little structure, repeating the black metal of the patio things.
But it's not much, the scale of it is small and I am ditzing over what to put on and around the table -- more containers, different levels, a potted herb collection.
Tall pots, the long troughs, terra cotta things, and then the tall dramatic black hollyhocks standing next to it all.
I don't even know if the hollyhocks would transplant. I suppose I could just take out the black ones, and then buy new for this project by the table.
I'm concerned it will all look staged and fussy. And still too small, but I won't know until I try some arrangements.
← I like the idea of piling some rocks around the hollyhocks rather randomly like this, and I have some random rocks I could use.
I'm also putting the Windwalker Red salvia in front of the table where there are emitters, but the hollyhocks could go closer to the wall where there are no emitters, and that would suit them.
It's deep shade by the wall in the morning but bright hot sun in the afternoons, and the wall is reflective. Potted plants there might struggle with that, but the hollyhocks should like it.
So, other adjustments:
I'll I take out the black hollyhocks by the gate regardless of whether I transplant them, and in the narrow little spot there I'd put another Panchito manzanita. A low manzanita under the vase shaped butterfly bush would fill that spot nicely and be something to look at in winter.
I think that would look good.